Publication of inside information pursuant to Art. 17 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014.

Rubean AG resolves capital measure to finance growth

Munich, February 20, 2025: Rubean AG, Munich (ISIN: DE0005120802, WKN: 512080) intends to carry out a cash capital increase to finance its growth. The Management Board of the FinTech company decided yesterday evening to increase the share capital by up to ten percent from EUR 3,749,418.00 to up to EUR 4,124,359.00 using the existing authorized capital. The new maximum of 374,941 bearer shares will be issued in the course of a private placement in one or more tranches at a subscription price close to the share price. Shareholders’ subscription rights are excluded. Rubean is currently growing strongly in many countries.

The Executive Board

About Rubean:

Rubean AG, Munich, is a leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers and merchants. These include the mobile softPOS solution PhonePOS, which enables merchants to receive card payments directly on their smartphone without the need for an additional device. This solution is used by payment service providers, major banks, retailers and large retail chains throughout Europe and is the only softPOS solution that supports the girocard (ec card) in Germany. Rubean is listed on m:access as well as on most OTC trading venues and XETRA. Further information can also be found at

If you have any questions, please contact:

german communications AG
Jörg Bretschneider
Milchstraße 6 B, D-20148 Hamburg
+49 40/46 88 33 0, Fax +49 40/46 88 33 40

Dr. Hermann Geupel     
Rubean AG     
Kistlerhofstr. 168, D-81379 Munich
+49 89 357560

Questions? Contact us.

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More about us.

Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers, and merchants.

Share contribution.

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Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers and merchants.

Kistlerhofstraße 168 – München