Bernd M. Krohn reappointed as Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Bernd M. Krohn erneut Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats
Munich, December 1, 2023. Bernd Martin Krohn has once again assumed the role of Chairman of the Supervisory Board of fintech company Rubean AG, Munich (ISIN: DE0005120802, WKN: 512080) as of today. Krohn is once again taking on the leading responsibility in the Supervisory Board after temporarily stepping down from his position on the board due to his temporary transfer to the company’s executive board from March 1 to June 30, 2023. The Supervisory Board has also decided to maintain continuity in the management board and extended the appointment of Dr. Hermann Geupel as Executive Board and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) until the end of 2026. Since the appointment of Jochen Pielage on July 1, 2023, the Rubean Executive Board consists of two members. Pielage holds the positions of CTO (Chief Technical Officer) and COO (Chief Operations Officer).
“I would like to thank my colleagues on the Supervisory Board for their trust and support,” says Krohn. “We will accompany the company in its continuous and strong revenue growth after achieving market acceptance throughout Europe.” In addition to Krohn, the Supervisory Board consists of Dr. Peter von Borch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Mittnik, and Günther Froschermeier. The ordinary Annual General Meeting of Rubean AG will take place on December 28, 2023, in Munich, after the necessary conditions, particularly sufficient capitalization, have been successfully established. Rubean’s payment acceptance solution, PhonePOS, which enables the acceptance of mobile payments on mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) without the need for additional hardware, is now being used in addition to Germany, particularly in Spain, large parts of Eastern Europe, and the United Kingdom, with rapidly growing user numbers.

About Rubean:

Rubean AG, Munich, is a leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers, and merchants. This includes the mobile softPOS solution, PhonePOS, which allows merchants to accept card payments directly on their smartphones without the need for additional devices. This solution is used by payment service providers, major banks, retailers, and smaller merchants across Europe and is the only softPOS solution that supports the girocard (EC card) in Germany. Rubean is listed on m:access and most over-the-counter markets, as well as XETRA.

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Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers, and merchants.

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Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers and merchants.

Kistlerhofstraße 168 – München