New banks within the KBC group are using Rubean’s software solution for payment acceptance terminals in several Central and Eastern European countries.

Neue Banken innerhalb der KBC-Gruppe nutzen Rubeans Software-Lösung für Zahlungsakzeptanzterminals in mehreren mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern
Munich, October 21, 2022: Fintech company Rubean AG (ISIN: DE0005120802, WKN: 512080, R1B: GR) is providing its payment acceptance solution to the Czech and Slovakian merchant bank CSOB and the Hungarian K&H Payment Services in partnership with Global Payments Europe. After completing a successful pilot phase, CSOB CZ/CSOB SK/K&H PS are offering the solution to thousands of smaller merchants in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. These institutions are part of the Belgian financial group KBC Group NV. Rubean’s solution is used to receive payments on Android-powered devices such as smartphones, tablets, or barcode scanners.
With Rubean’s Tap-to-Phone technology PhonePOS, payments of any amount can be accepted without additional hardware. The target group includes logistics companies and smaller businesses such as market vendors, craftsmen, fruit or flower field operators, taxi companies, kiosks, clubs, farm shop owners, etc.
“We are excited to collaborate with such an innovative group as KBC,” says Rubean board member Dr. Hermann Geupel. “Together, we aim to further expand our strong market position in Eastern Europe.”
“After convincing CSOB/K&H PS of the quality of our innovative form of card acceptance during the pilot phase, we expect a rapid increase in users in collaboration with CSOB,” says Karel Jara, Executive Director & VP Product Development and Integration at Global Payments Europe, which works closely with Rubean on the rollout of the payment acceptance solution.

About Rubean:

Rubean AG, headquartered in Munich, is a leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers, merchants, and service providers. In its nearly twenty-year history, Rubean has developed innovative solutions for the payment, finance, and banking industry. This includes the mobile point-of-sale terminal solution PhonePOS. Rubean is listed on the m:access and gettex market segments of the Munich Stock Exchange as well as on the open market in Frankfurt, Berlin, and Düsseldorf, and on Tradegate and Quotrix.

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Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers, and merchants.

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Rubean AG is a multinational fintech company based in Munich, Germany, and the leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers and merchants.

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