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Corporate News
Ad hoc reports
Directors Dealings
13.07: aktiencheck - Rubean trades 4.35 per cent higher today
17.06: convenience shop - payment solution
13.06: 4investors - Rubean: million euro contract with BBVA
07.06: dpa AFX - Original-Research GBC Insider Focus Index
23.05: wallstreet:online - Rubean AG: Further capital increase supports hyperscaling ambitions
19.05: 4investors - Rubean to issue new shares - capital increase
09.05: FinanzNachrichten.de - '23 starts positive; hyper scaling starts now
02.05: 4investors - Rubean: Shares from capital increase placed
05.04: FinanzNachrichten.de - Positive response to pop-up conference with AlsterResearch
01.02: Nebenwerte Journal Extra - Deficient - but strong partners on board
Jan 25: 4investors - Rubean launches capital increase - no subscription rights for shareholders
15.01: Cards - S-POS for girocard transactions with PIN
03.01: FinanzNachrichten.de - Rubean AG: Preliminary sales increase of 25% compared to previous year
29.11: Saarbrücker Zeitung - Sparkasse POS - now with PIN entry for girocard payments
29.11: geldinstitute - Sparkasse POS: Paying over 50 euros simply with PIN
29.11: IT Finanzmagazin - CCV presents SoftPOS solution with Girocard acceptance over 50 euros
08.11: finanzen.net -Directors' Dealings: Rubean executive moves shares
04.11: finanzen.net - Additional purchase: Director increases portfolio with Rubean shares
31.10: finanzen.net - Rubean share: How the paper reacted to directors' dealings
24.10: 4investors - Rubean: Sales delayed, new financing needed
25.08: finanzen.net - How the Rubean share reacts to directors' dealings
15.08: Cards - It's time for Payments 4.0
20.06: 4investors - Rubean: Cyclebit millions from convertible loan have flowed
09.05: 4investors - Rubean: emerchantpay becomes new distribution partner
27.04: 4investors - Rubean: Cyclebit subscribes convertible loan
20.04: pressetext - Rubean AG confirmed as "buy" by AlsterResearch
14.04: bm - Rubean solution for PIN entry at Sparkasse-POS
05.04: Onlinehändler News - Sparkasse cash register app gets more functions
10.02: 4investors - Rubean: Cyclebit becomes new partner and investor
07.02: Nebenwerte Journal Extra - Break-even point slowly coming into view
28.01: Analysts Expect Breakeven For Rubean AG (FRA:R1B) Before Long
13.01: 4investors - Rubean: Sales to grow significantly in 2022
08/26: 4 Investors - Rubean generates 2.3 million euros from capital increase
25.06: 4 Investors - Rubean and CCV Group deepen cooperation - capital increase
June 8th: IT Finanzmagazin - Startup Week Düsseldorf Card acceptance only via mobile phone - that's possible
02.06: PaymentsSource - Your morning briefing
17.05: Cards - movement in the soft PoS market
05/10: 4 Investors - Rubean important release for PhonePOS
04/16: IT Finanzmagazin - Sparkasse POS app cashless payment for corporate customers without a card reader
February: heise online - Android Pay contactless everywhere
February 24: Bankmagazin and Return - Deutsche Bank expands payment business
02/17: 4 Investors - Rubean capital increase completed
16.02: Cards - First digital TOPP with pilot approval from DK
02/15: Payment & Banking - New app turns Android smartphones into card terminals
15.02: Klaus Ahrens - Ein Android Smartphone als Bezahl-Terminal
January: Small caps Journal - Rubean
28.01: E-Commerce Magazin - contactless card payment - first approval of a TOPP terminal
22.01: IT Finanzmagazin - PhonePOS DK approves first digital terminal without PIN pad (TOPP) for piloting with Girocard
25.10: TradeArabia - Visa Tap to Phone transforms payment
10.09: L'Agefi Hebdo - The payment terminal goes mobile
02.09: Nebenwerte Journal - Digital it seems to be healing much better
08/31: Finance - Rubean's PhonePOS turns smartphones into card terminals for retailers
08/26: 4 Investors - Rubean Test in Hungary
04.05: Deal - Rubean AG switches to maccess
04.05: 4 Investors - Rubean new entry in the maccess of the Munich Stock Exchange
02.05: Plusvisionen - growth fantasy through contactless payment
16.03: Cards - Rubean approved for Visa Ready
28.02: FinanzNachrichten.de - DGAP-Adhoc Rubean AG RUBEAN AG plans capital increase
28.02: 4 investors - Rubean wants to enter maccess
02/12: Cards - Rubean approved for Visa Ready program
12.02: AD HOC NEWS - Rubean AG RUBEAN Joins Visa Ready Program
15.01: Cards - Rubean Mastercard approval for mobile acceptance solution
02.03: Retail Technology - The smartphone as a payment terminal at the POS
17.11: Effecten mirror - briefly noted
06.10: Effecten mirror - Rubean with KE
22.09: Effecten-Spiegel - Shares in the spotlight
22.09: Effecten Spiegel - IPOs
16.09: Stock market news online - Rubean AG goes public - The executive board interview
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