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Rubean AG beschließt Kapitalmaßnahme zur Wachstumsfinanzierung

July 18th 2024

Munich, July 18th 2024

The Management Board of Rubean AG, Munich (ISIN: DE0005120802, WKN: 512080), today resolved, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to implement two cash capital increases with shareholders' subscription rights by way of indirect subscription rights using the Authorised Capital 2022 and 2023 as follows:

  • Cash capital increase from Authorised Capital 2022 with a total issue amount of up to EUR 240,259.00 by issuing up to 240,259 new shares ("Cash Capital Increase 1"). Shareholders' subscription rights were set at a ratio of 15 (fifteen) to 1 (one), i.e. fifteen shares held by a shareholder entitle the holder to subscribe to one new share. 
  • Cash capital increase from Authorised Capital 2023 with a total issue amount of up to EUR 1,029,682.00 by issuing up to 1,029,682 new shares ("Cash Capital Increase 2"; Cash Capital Increase 1 and Cash Capital Increase 2 together "Cash Capital Increases"). The subscription rights of shareholders were set at a ratio of 7 (seven) to 2 (two), i.e. seven shares held by a shareholder entitle the holder to subscribe to two new shares. 


The capital measure serves to take on a potential strategic partner, with whom initial talks are already being held. Details will be reported as soon as the talks have been finalised.

The shares offered are entitled to dividends from 1 January 2024. The subscription price per share was set at EUR 6.00 for both cash capital increases. The offer period for both cash capital increases begins on 31 July 2024 and ends on 14 August 2024 (both inclusive).

The subscription offer is being made without a prospectus pursuant to Section 3 (2) of the German Securities Prospectus Act ("WpPG"). A securities information sheet prepared in accordance with Section 4 WpPG is expected to be published on 22 July 2024. Trading in subscription rights on the stock exchange is not planned. Shares not subscribed by shareholders on the basis of subscription rights within the subscription period may be offered by the Executive Board to selected investors for purchase at the subscription price as part of a private placement (non-public offer), also in parallel with the subscription offer.

The subscription offer is expected to be published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger ) on 30 July 2024.

The company intends to use the proceeds from the capital increase to repay loans and finance growth measures.

The Executive Board

About Rubean:  Rubean AG, Munich, is a leading provider of pure software point-of-sale solutions for banks, acquirers and merchants. These include the mobile softPOS solution PhonePOS, which enables merchants to receive card payments directly on their smartphone without the need for an additional device. This solution is used by payment service providers, major banks, retailers and smaller merchants throughout Europe and is the only softPOS solution that supports the girocard (ec card) in Germany. Rubean is listed on m:access as well as on most over-the-counter markets and XETRA. Further information can also be found at 


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